YEARS AFTER I GRADUATED, MY SCHOOL BULLIES TRIED TO HUMILIATE ME AT WORK – THEY DIDN’T EXPECT INSTANT KARMA So, picture this: I’m wiping down tables at the restaurant where I work, just going about my business. It’s a small, cozy spot, the kind of place where regulars know your name. I’m pitching in with the cleaning today because Beth, one of our waitresses, is pregnant and felt faint. We’re a tight team—when one of us needs a hand, we all step in. Suddenly, I hear this familiar laugh that just takes me back to high school. I look up, and there she is—Heather, the high school queen bee, with her posse. These were the girls who made my life miserable back then, mocked everything about me. And now? She’s smirking, heading straight for me. “Wow, look who it is. Still wiping down tables, huh? Guess that’s all you ever amounted to.” She laughs, making sure her friends catch every word. “Is this what you dreamed of back in high school? Cleaning up after people who actually did something with their lives?” she sneers, giving me a once-over like I’m something stuck to her shoe. She throws a hand up, snapping her fingers. “Hey, waitress! You think you can at least manage to get us some water? Or is that too advanced for you?” My heart’s racing, and I can feel my face flush, but I keep my cool. The next moment, instant karma made her regret what she said.

Have you ever had one of those moments where the past walks right back into your life, uninvited? One minute, I’m wiping down tables at the restaurant I call home, and the next, I’m staring into the eyes of the girl who made my high school years a living nightmare.

So, picture this: I’m wiping down tables at the restaurant where I work, just minding my own business. It’s a small, cozy spot — the kind where the smell of freshly brewed coffee greets you before you even step inside.

A cozy restaurant | Source: Unsplash

A cozy restaurant | Source: Unsplash

The regulars come in so often that they know your name, your favorite drink, and probably your life story if they stick around long enough.

Today, I’m pitching in with the cleaning because Beth, one of our waitresses, isn’t feeling well. She’s pregnant — glowing and beautiful — but had a faint spell earlier, so the rest of us are taking on her load. We’re a tight-knit crew, like family, really. When one of us needs a hand, we don’t even think twice.

Restaurant employees | Source: Midjourney

Restaurant employees | Source: Midjourney

I’m scrubbing down one of the back tables, lost in the rhythm of it when I hear it. Laughter. Not just any laughter — the kind that slaps you right back to high school. My stomach tightens, and before I even glance up, I know. I know who it is.

It’s Heather.

Blonde young woman in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

Blonde young woman in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

Heather Parker, queen bee, ruler of the high school social hierarchy, and my tormentor for, oh, four years straight. There she is, strolling into the restaurant like she owns the place, her signature laugh echoing around the room, flanked by her loyal crew—Hannah and Melissa.

It’s like nothing’s changed. They used to mock me about everything — my clothes, my hair, even the way I talked about my dreams of leaving that town someday.

Girl being bullied by classmates in high school | Source: Midjourney

Girl being bullied by classmates in high school | Source: Midjourney

I freeze, still gripping the cloth in my hand as I stand there like some kind of deer caught in headlights. They haven’t seen me yet, but I can already feel that familiar burn on the back of my neck. The whispers, the sneers, the looks that could cut you down without a single word.

“Hey, isn’t that…?” Heather’s voice trails off, her eyes scanning the room.

Please, please don’t look this way.

Of course, she does.

Her eyes lock onto mine, and that wicked little smile stretches across her face. The same one she wore every time she ruined my day.

A blonde woman in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

A blonde woman in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Still wiping down tables, huh? Guess that’s all you ever amounted to.” Her voice is loud, cutting through the usual hum of the restaurant.

She laughs, a sound so fake but her friends eat it up like it’s the best thing they’ve ever heard.

I can feel my face heating up, but I keep scrubbing the table, trying to ignore them. It doesn’t matter. I’m not the same person I was in high school.

Waitress cleaning tables | Source: Midjourney

Waitress cleaning tables | Source: Midjourney

Heather, though, doesn’t let up. “Is this what you dreamed of back in high school? Cleaning up after people who actually did something with their lives?” Her eyes sweep over me like I’m nothing but trash to be tossed aside. Her friends giggle, nudging each other like this is the best entertainment they’ve had all week.

Then she snaps her fingers at me like I’m a dog. “Hey, waitress! Do you think you can at least manage to get us some water? Or is that too advanced for you?”

My heart pounds and I can feel the rush of anger rising. But before I can even open my mouth, I hear footsteps coming up behind me.

Waitress cleaning tables | Source: Midjourney

Waitress cleaning tables | Source: Midjourney

Jack, the sous-chef, appears from the kitchen, his arms crossed, and eyes narrowed. “Hey, you don’t talk to her like that,” he says, his voice calm but carrying an edge that even makes me nervous. He steps up beside me like a wall of muscle, and suddenly I don’t feel so alone.

Behind him, Maria, our head chef, wipes her hands on her apron, joining us. Her face is stormy, the kind of look that says she’s ready for a fight. “If you’ve got a problem, you can take it somewhere else,” she adds. “We don’t serve disrespect here.”

Restaurant employees | Source: Midjourney

Restaurant employees | Source: Midjourney

Heather rolls her eyes, but there’s a flicker of something in her gaze — maybe surprise. Still, she scoffs, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Oh, please. We’re just being honest. Isn’t it a little sad? Who even cleans tables these days? She’s hit rock bottom, and you’re defending her?”

Jack doesn’t even flinch. “She works harder in a day than you ever will in your entire life.” He steps forward, his voice low but steady. “Now, do you want that water, or are you done embarrassing yourself?”

Male employee at a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

Male employee at a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

One by one, the rest of the team starts to gather around me, their silent support wrapping around like armor. Sarah, our bartender, steps forward, wiping her hands on a rag as she stands next to Jack and Maria. Her eyes are locked on Heather, unwavering.

“We don’t tolerate that kind of attitude in here,” Sarah says, her voice calm but firm. “If you can’t be respectful, you can take your business elsewhere.”

Restaurant employees | Source: Midjourney

Restaurant employees | Source: Midjourney

Heather rolls her eyes, letting out a loud, exaggerated sigh. “Oh, please.” She waves a dismissive hand as if she’s bored with the whole situation. “We’ll just speak to your manager,” she sneers, certain that she’s about to drop some sort of power play. Her entourage nods along, their faces smug as if they’re about to watch me crumble.

That’s when I decided I’d had enough.

I step forward, feeling the weight of the moment settle around me, but instead of fear, there’s something else — something stronger. I wipe my hands on the towel slung over my shoulder and meet Heather’s gaze head-on.

“You already have,” I say, my voice steady.

Restaurant manager talking to a rude customer | Source: Midjourney

Restaurant manager talking to a rude customer | Source: Midjourney

Heather’s smirk wavers for just a second, her eyes narrowing like she’s trying to understand. “What?” she asks, blinking as if she didn’t hear me right.

“I’m the manager here,” I say, letting the words sink in, watching as her confidence crumbles. “Actually, I own the place.”

Her eyes go wide, and the air seems to get sucked right out of the room. The smirk she’s been wearing the whole time fades, replaced with something that almost looks like panic. For the first time, Heather is at a loss for words.

The silence after my words is thick, almost suffocating. For a split second, nobody moves. And then — boom — the room erupts. My team cheers, clapping and hollering like they just won the lottery.

Restaurant employees clapping | Source: Midjourney

Restaurant employees clapping | Source: Midjourney

Jack slaps me on the back, Maria gives a victorious shout, and Sarah’s whooping like she just saw her favorite team score the winning goal. The sound fills every corner of the restaurant, drowning out whatever feeble attempt Heather might’ve made to save face.

Heather’s face turns a deep shade of red, blotching in embarrassment. She stands there, her mouth half-open, searching for something — anything — to cling to, but she’s got nothing. Her smug smile has completely vanished. She’s out of tricks.

Frustrated woman in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

Frustrated woman in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

Jack steps forward, grinning from ear to ear. “You’re looking at the best boss any of us have ever had,” he says, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “She’s out here cleaning tables because she cares about us. She could’ve left Beth hanging, but that’s not who she is.”

Male employee standing next to his boss | Source: Midjourney

Male employee standing next to his boss | Source: Midjourney

Heather blinks, stammering for a response, but before she can get a word out, Sarah steps in. Her arms are crossed, her voice sharp and unyielding. “Maybe it’s time you left,” she says, her eyes narrowing at Heather. “We don’t need people with ugly attitudes ruining our day.”

Heather’s bravado is completely gone now. She looks around the room, her friends suddenly shrinking back, no longer laughing or backing her up. “I… I didn’t mean anything by it” she mutters, but the fight has drained out of her. She knows it’s over.

Rude customer talking to a waitress | Source: Midjourney

Rude customer talking to a waitress | Source: Midjourney

I step closer, not to rub it in, but to end it. “Heather, it’s okay. Really. But maybe next time, think before you speak.” My voice is steady, no malice. Just the truth.

She stares at me, eyes wide with a mix of shock and disbelief. For the first time in her life, I think, Heather Parker has nothing to say.

With that, they gather their things, and without another word, scurry out the door. The bell jingles above them as they leave, and the air feels lighter like a weight I didn’t even realize I was carrying has lifted.

Ladies leaving a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

Ladies leaving a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

The room is buzzing, and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. Jack gives me a wink, and Sarah smirks. “That was something,” she says, shaking her head. “Talk about instant karma.”

I chuckle, feeling the pride swell inside me. Years ago, I would’ve done anything to escape people like Heather. But now? Now I’m standing here, surrounded by people who respect me for who I am, in a place that’’ mine.

“Karma,” I say, laughing softly, “served with a side of justice.”

Young woman smiling | Source: Midjourney

Young woman smiling | Source: Midjourney

If you enjoyed this story, you’ll love this one: A teacher uncovers the heartbreaking truth behind a boy being bullied for his grandmother’s handmade sweater. Click here to read the full story.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided as “is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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